Why the Gefest steam room stoves?
The Gefest furnace has a 2-chamber furnace, with an active pyrolysis gas afterburning system. Oxygen passes through the air damper of the door and is distributed into two separate flows: Stream A blows through the glass of the door and, entering the first chamber, increases the efficiency of burning wood Stream B is divided in turn into 2 streams - stream B1 entering through the grate to the lower part of the first chamber and stream B2, which through a separate air channel enters the second afterburner located under the stove.
Here, the air stream mixes with fire, causing active combustion of pyrolysis gases and a sharp increase in temperature, which allows heating a massive heater with cast iron inserts and rocks in less than 1 hour to temperatures above 600 ° C. In the Gefest furnaces, the heater is located inside the furnace, heated by direct fire from all sides and is the main steam generator. The huge heat reserve in such a stove makes the stove “non-fillable”, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality finely dispersed and light steam in volum that are many times higher than the standard norms for steam rooms.
Without such a steam, it is impossible to create a microclimate of a real Russian or Finnish Bath!
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